WTC progress


Just a quick post and a few pictures to show the progress at the WTC site, the soon to be Reflecting Absence memorial in the footprints of the towers.  They tested the waterfalls a few weeks ago.

I haven’t gotten choked up about September 11 in a long time, but the size of the memorial is staggering when you see it for the first time. It was difficult to view, but I guess it’s supposed to be.

A construction site with many cranes in the background.
A crane is lifting a truck over the top of a building.

That’s part of the footprint of the South Tower, I think that’s a generator and lights being hoisted up.

The South Tower footprint/Reflecting Absence being born…

A construction site with many workers on it
A group of people standing in front of a window.

The view from the Winter Garden.  I’ve been at this spot maybe a dozen times since September 11 and for years the feeling was like you were looking at a construction site.  With the memorials in view now, the feeling here is starting to change.

The opposite direction of the above view….

A large building with many palm trees in the center.

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