While preparing Part II of The Story Behind the Lower East Side, I came across some old photographs of Chatham Square and couldn’t resist checking out their locations.
Here’s a photograph from Kenneth Dunshee’s As You Pass By. This is a reported funeral procession heading up the Bowery through Chatham Square in 1869. Doyers Street would be in front of the tall building with the arched windows. Two of these buildings are recognizable today!

The windows have lost their pediments, and the facade has gotten a muscular brick makeover, but the unisual fenestration (window arrangement) leaves no doubt it’s the same building. (sorry about the bus)

The large building has a distinct 3-angled facade, accommodating the curve entering Doyers Street.

It has the same number of windows (three) across the middle section, and though the windows have lost their arches the corbelled cornice is still evident on the Bowery side. The next picture shows it more clearly…

Different angle, same cornice details.

I couldn’t get the elevation of the photographer, but the next picture shows the street level today.

To give you an idea of the area in 1869, we were four years out from the Civil War, and another two from the Draft Riots which probably still loomed large in the city’s consciousness and conscience. The Draft Riots were a nearly week-long “event” that started out as a legitimate protest against the policy of permitting wealthy people to buy their way out of military service that, over the course of days, devolved into vicious gang assaults on African-Americans, wealthy abolitionists, and Republicans. That was in the city at large.
Chatham Square had been developing as a working class entertainment district since the depression of 1837. By 1869, the upper classes had long since moved uptown, and the Bowery Theater, at one time the entertainment destination for the genteel, had long since changed its format to appeal to popular, often localized, tastes..

The 3-sided facade is beautiful with its unusually rounded lintels and cornice, which now completely wraps around. In 1905 it was the Chinese Tuxedo Restaurant. It’s called machicolation and mimics the features on defensive positions in Medieval towers.
The building to the left lis the same building as the 1869 image, but it’s gotten a fire escape which interstingly makes it look like it has a brick facade. What’s new since 1869 is the building to its right with the impressive mansard roof and pedimented window arrangement. It’s only an echo of its former self.

Nice post, but one correction: the draft riots were in 1863, not 1865.
Thanks, Stephanie–that was a sloppy mistake.
Is that a dirt road or cobblestones? It's hard to tell from the picture… And where did you find the picture? It's great.
Thanks, I believe it is a dirt road. I'm not expert about street surfaces but perhaps because Chatham Square was so wide and expansive, it would have been inefficient to pave with belgian block or cobblestone. Chatham Square was the first clearing outside of the city that was on solid high ground, and the Boston stage (and others) terminated in Chatham Square. Perhaps the low risk of flooding made paving unnecessary.
No mention of the Chatham Theater? Very important venue.