Category Archives: Union Square

42nd Street to the Battery: 1855

A painting of the city of ancient rome.

The last post showed the city from 63rd Street to the Battery by putting together two pictures from the 1850s.  Here they are again; click here to read the original post.  A painted line runs down Fifth Avenue in both pictures, and you can see the dome and flag of the Crystal Palace on 42nd Street in both. The top one is from 1855, the […]

Why the West Side is Different

A satellite image of the city of new york.

The west side and the east side are frequently sized up against each other, and it’s often the residents themselves who are the first to point out the defining personality traits—the “energies” if you will—of the two parts of town.  The conventional wisdom holds that the east side is younger, more bustling and vibrant; the […]