Category Archives: The Bowery

42nd Street to the Battery: 1855

A painting of the city of ancient rome.

The last post showed the city from 63rd Street to the Battery by putting together two pictures from the 1850s.  Here they are again; click here to read the original post.  A painted line runs down Fifth Avenue in both pictures, and you can see the dome and flag of the Crystal Palace on 42nd Street in both. The top one is from 1855, the […]

In and Around the Bowery Theatre

A map of the city with green dots showing where to go.

This post builds on The Bowery & Chatham Square, heading up a few blocks to where the Manhattan Bridge intersects Canal Street.  The Bull’s Head tavern dominated the immediate area as the unofficial headquarters of the cattle market from the Colonial days of the 1750s up until 1825, when society elites set their sights on […]

The Bowery & Chatham Square, Then and Now

A vintage photo of people riding in carts down the street

While preparing Part II of  The Story Behind the Lower East Side, I came across some old photographs of Chatham Square and couldn’t resist checking out their locations. Here’s a photograph from Kenneth Dunshee’s As You Pass By. This is a reported funeral procession heading up the Bowery through Chatham Square in 1869.  Doyers Street would be […]