Category Archives: Old Posts

The Inspiration for the Statue of Liberty

A statue of liberty is shown in pastel colors.

There’s a difference between what inspires a statue to come into creation and what a statue represents, and it’s an interesting one when it comes to the Statue of Liberty. The inspiration for the Statue of Liberty is said to have occurred at a specific time and place, and among a particular group of people. But the mainstream meaning of the Statue […]

Morningside Heights: History is in the Lay of the Land

A map of the coast and mountains with numbers on it.

And the bend in the road is still visible today! This is 114th Street and Riverside Drive looking north. (R) The topography is intensified in this image. The dog and walker are crossing Broadway at 115th Street toward the Hudson River. Not only can you see the bend in the road, there’s a dip where […]

New Year’s Eve in Times Square

A city street with buildings lit up at night.

My first New Year’s Eve in Times Square, no commentary along the way.  Only to say, these are from different angles on different streets leading up to midnight, and they are all sequential. I didn’t make it into Times Square until after the ball dropped, but the confetti continued to come down forever. These are […]

Why the West Side is Different

A satellite image of the city of new york.

The west side and the east side are frequently sized up against each other, and it’s often the residents themselves who are the first to point out the defining personality traits—the “energies” if you will—of the two parts of town.  The conventional wisdom holds that the east side is younger, more bustling and vibrant; the […]

The Holiday Spirit Around Town

A large building with many lights on the outside.

…and a few special links.   Trump Tower, 721 Fifth Avenue.  Rockefeller Center Midtown Lobby Trees The New York Public Library… Macy’s dual holiday theme is Miracle on 34th Street and Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus. Unfortunately, there was too much reflection in the windows to get good pictures…  But I remembered last year that Justin Ferate, […]

The Limelight: an Unholy Evolution

A drawing of the church of the holy communion in new york.

As happens, while doing research on one project I stumbled on something so remarkable I thought it deserved its own post.  At first I didn’t think it could be possible, but Stoke’s Iconography (v. 3) had this image from 1846 of a quaint little country church, that looked eerily familiar. Then I read the name: Church of […]

Inwood Park Walk (pt. 2) & the Columbia “C” Explained

A view of the water from the shore.

Here’s the rest of Monday’s walk through Inwood Park, Manhattan’s last vestige of primeval forest.  Not a lot of history discussed in this post, just pictures. A quick recap…this is the side of the park I entered through (on the west side of the Amtrak rails, and the West Side Highway)…   In the summers lots […]

Decoding the Seals of the City of New York

A black and white picture of the seal of new york city.

A study of the current and past seals of New York City is an excellent way to learn the fundamentals of city history–ever wonder about the obscure symbols on the Municipal Building? Or why the seal appears differently from one building to another? The seal has a very rich, complex history, and counting every change, […]